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sugarcane growers in the State were really encouraged by the announcement in
1954 by the then Bombay State Government of the 12 places in the State where
sugar factories could be established, with an offer of Government share capital
contribution of Rs.10 lacs each if Co-operative Societies are organised for
the same. The announcement fetched rush of application from about 16
Co-operative Societies. A meeting of the Promoters held in the office of the
Bombay State Co-operative Bank formed a Central Committee under the
Chairmanship of Prof. Dhananjayrao Gadgil for guidance the Societies about the
important issues like share capital, sugarcane area, irrigation, site
selection, land, transport facilities etc. State Government also appointed a
Cabinet Sub-Committee for Co-operative sugar factories. With the increase in
number of Co-operative sugar factories and the tremendous response received
from co-operators, need of apex Institutions to guide and advise the Societies
was felt. Hence on 11/2/1956 Bombay State Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Sangh was
registered when 14 factories (inclusive of a Khedut Factory from Surat Dist.)
were affiliated.
as a commodity in its own right can be traced back to several thousand years in
China and India. A definite reference dates to 510 B. C. when soldiers of the
Persian Emperor Darius saw sugarcane growing on the banks of the River Indus.
They called it the reeds which produce honey without bees. Much later it was
grown in Persia and the Arabs took it to Egypt. The word sugar is itself
derived from an Arabic word.
to which all the references refer, is a member of the grass family. It can grow
up to 15 feet tall, with leaves at the top and a hollow stalk filled with a
sweet juice or sap from which sugar can be extracted. A perenial tropical
plant, it grows best in very warm climates. It is ready for harvesting after 10
to 12 months. |
information like sugarcane availability, sugar production, sugar sale,
by-products, market prices & other data generated at member sugar factories
is updated on regular basis in Online Sugar Information System |